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Journal of Plant Science and Research

Research Article

Incidence of Ozone Injury on Hybrid Poplar Trees in Southwestern Pennsylvania USA: A 26-Year Field Study

Davis DD1*, Marini RP2 and Decoteau DR2

1Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
2Department of Plant Science, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
*Corresponding author: Davis DD, Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA; E-mail:
Copyright: © Davis DD, et al. 2020. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Article Information: Submission: 11/11/2020; Accepted: 14/12/2020; Published: 17/12/2020


During 1991 to 2016, we evaluated the annual incidence (percentage) of hybrid poplar trees exhibiting ozone (O3)-induced leaf injury (stipple) within 15 planted field-study plots in southwestern Pennsylvania, USA. Incidence of stippled poplars decreased from a mean of 3.84% in 1991 to 0.00% in 2016. Mean annual 8-hr ambient O3 concentrations, downloaded from a U.S. EPA monitoring site located ca 60 km west (upwind) from the closest study plot, decreased from 96 ppb in 1991 to 67 ppb in 2016. Regression analysis revealed that during the 26-year period, the annual incidence of poplar trees exhibiting ozoneinduced leaf stipple was significantly and linearly related to the mean annual O3 concentration.


Air pollution; Ozone; O3; Hybrid poplar trees; Leaf stipple


Tropospheric ozone (O3):
Tropospheric ozone (O3) is the most important phytotoxic (plant damaging) air pollutant in the USA [1,2]. Ozone is a secondary air pollutant formed by photochemical reactions between Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), two precursors to O3 formation [1,3,4]. Rural Pennsylvania (PA, USA) contains phytotoxic levels of ambient O3 [2,5,6], especially in areas that experience long-range transport of NOx and VOCs within slowmoving, stagnant, high-pressure systems [7]. Predominantly eastbound weather systems traverse the industrial Ohio River Valley on the western border of PA and the Pittsburgh industrial areas, collecting precursors to O3 formation before entering our study area in southwestern PA. Elevated levels of ambient O3 in the study area usually begin in May, increase through the summer, and often peak in August. Diurnal patterns often reflect greater ozone concentrations in mid-afternoon when O3-forming reactions are driven by incoming solar radiation, and lowest O3 levels generally occur after sunset, when O3 is continuously converted back to NNO2 and O2 in the presence of NO [1,4,8].
Ozone injury to vegetation:
The importance of O3 as a significant phytotoxic air pollutant in the USA was first reported in the USA by Richards et al. in 1958 [9]. They had previously observed O3-induced leaf injury on wild and cultivated grapes (Vitis spp.) as early as 1954 in the Los Angeles, CA air-basin. They described O3-induced leaf symptoms as “stipple,” which were comprised of groups of dark brown-to-black, leaf palisade-mesophyll cells visible through the hyaline adaxial epidermis and overlying cuticle. Stipple on many species of broadleaved plants was later shown to be indicative of phytotoxic concentrations of ambient O3, which could be used to identify O3-sensitive bioindicator plants [2,10,11]. Early researchers observed that the incidence and severity of O3-induced stipple varied among individuals within an open-pollinated species depended on their parentage [12]. However, variability could be minimized by using asexual, clonally propagated (e.g., from cuttings) bio-indicator plants [Davis, personal observations].
On 1 October 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enacted a more stringent National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ground-level O3 [13]. The new standard was based on the 4th highest daily maximum O3 concentration, averaged across 3 consecutive years for an averaging time of 8 hrs [14]. If that value exceeded 70 ppb, the relevant area was considered to be in nonattainment of the standard. Southwestern PA, including our study area, was in attainment of the new NAAQS for 2016 to 2018, the 3 most recent years for which EPA O3 data were available at time of this writing ( map8hr_2015.html, accessed 24 September 2019).
The general objective of this study was to evaluate temporal and spatial patterns of incidence (percentage) of planted hybrid poplar trees that exhibited O3-induced stipple during 1991 to 2016 on study plots in southwestern PA. The specific objective was to determine if annual ambient ozone levels were statistically related to the annual incidence of ozone-induced poplar stipple during the 26-year period.


Ambient ozone concentrations:
Material and Methods Annual mean 8-hr ambient O3 concentrations (ppb) for 1991 to 2016 were downloaded from EPA O3 monitoring site #42-003-00008 (40°27’55”N, 79°57’38”W), located ~40 km westward and upwind from the study area.
Study area:
The study area is located in a rural portion of the Appalachian Plateau Physiographic Province in southwestern PA (Figure 1), as described by McClenahen et al. [15]. The area has a rolling dissected topography with ridges oriented in a southwest-northeast direction and elevations ranging from ~400 - 800 m. The climate is continental, average annual precipitation is ~100 cm, and prevailing winds are from the west. Although the study area is mainly rural, it contains scattered industries and is located downwind from the Pittsburgh and the Ohio River Valley industrial areas, which are major sources of precursors to O3 formation. Johnstown, which has a 100-year history of air pollutant emissions from steel mills and coke works [16], lies slightly downwind from the southeastern edge of the study area and may be a source of O3 and precursors during winds from the southeast.
Study plots:
In 1964, Hutnik et al. established a network of ecological plots in former agricultural fields within the study area to study effects of sulfur and SO2 on coniferous plants [17]. However, during the late 1960s and early 1970s, air pollution effects research in PA shifted emphasis from primary pollutants such as SO2, often localized near point sources, to the widespread secondary air pollutant O3 [Davis, personal observations]. Therefore during 1972 to 1976, Hutnik and colleagues established 20 rooted cuttings of an O3-sensitive hybrid poplar clone (Populus maximowizii x trichocarpa USDA Forest Service Northeastern Forest Experiment Station Clone NE 388) on each of 22 50x50 m plots as bioindicators of phytotoxic levels of ambient O3 [18]. During 1981 to 1990, the years with the most complete datasets at the time, the incidence of O3 injury on the poplar trees was significantly (P = 0.05) correlated with the number of days having hourly O3 concentrations > 40 ppb [18]. By 1991 several original plots had been lost due to change of land ownership and various land-use changes. Therefore, we selected 15 of the remaining intact study plots for use in this 26-year study beginning in 1991 (Figure 1). Large poplars were removed to minimize plot shading and were replaced with new rooted cuttings of the same clone; data were not taken on the new cuttings until 1 year after establishment.
Evaluation of visible ozone injury:
Beginning in 1991, each poplar tree on each plot was evaluated for presence or absence of visible O3-induced leaf stipple (Figure 2), which was shown to be caused by O3 in controlled studies [18]. Symptom evaluations were conducted in early to mid-August, usually the time of greatest O3 injury on native broadleaved plants in the study area [5,7,19]. Stipple on each tree was classified as present or absent, and incidence (percentage) of poplar trees exhibiting stipple/ plot/year calculated until the study was terminated in 2016.
Figure 1: Location of study area in southwestern PA, USA. Open circles with numbers denote the 15 study plots. Figure adapted from Hutnik et al. [17].
Figure 2: Severe adaxial (upper) leaf surface stipple induced by ambient O3 on hybrid poplar trees in the study area. (Photograph by DD Davis).
Statistical analyses:
Polynomial regression was performed with SAS’s PROC REG (SAS for Linear Models, 4th Ed.) to evaluate the relationship between O3-induced leaf injury and mean annual ambient ozone concentration. However, only the linear term was significant and residual plots indicated the quadratic term did not improve the model. Therefore, linear models were fit in order to model changes in O3 ambient concentrations and leaf injury over the 26-year study period.

Results and Discussion

Regarding general temporal patterns, ambient O3 data downloaded from the EPA monitoring site revealed that the annual mean 8-hr O3 concentration decreased from 96 ppb in 1991 to 67 ppb in 2016, a 30% decrease (Figure 3). Mean annual percentage of hybrid poplar trees exhibiting O3-induced stipple decreased from 3.84% in 1991 to 0.00% in 2016, the last year of the study (Table 1). For the entire 26-year period, the mean annual ambient O3 concentrations and mean annual percentage of O3 injury on poplars were significantly and positively correlated in a linear manner (n = 26, R2 = 0.39, P = 0.001). The complete lack of leaf stipple in 2016 was possibly due to ambient O3 levels being below a general level needed to induce O3 injury, or to environmental conditions that were not conducive to O3 uptake and subsequent development of foliar injury.
The temporal pattern of O3 injury incidence peaked in 1998. However, this peak did not appear to be strongly related to a peak in ambient O3 concentration in (Figure 3). Therefore, the 1998 peak may have been influenced by environmental factors such as ideal soil moisture levels that were conducive to maximum O3 uptake that occurred concurrently with environmental conditions conducive for maximum foliar injury. Foliar O3 injury precipitously decreased in 1999, but the decline did not appear related to a similar decline level of ambient O3 (Figure 3).
However, injury-threshold values are only general estimates [20]. Onset of O3-induced foliar injury can be influenced by multiple interacting factors, including genetic (inherent species O3 sensitivity or tolerance), physiologic (detoxification capacity, defense mechanisms), physiographic (elevation), environmental (drought), seasonal, and others. These confounding factors and their interactions make it difficult to determine meaningful O3 injury threshold values [20].
Relatedly, Smith et al. reported a similar temporal trend in O3 injury in a large study involving the incidence of O3-induced stipple on milkweed bioindicator plants (n = 65,448) in the northeastern USA from 1994 to 2010 [21]. Similar to our findings, they also reported a peak of O3 injury in 1998 followed by low stipple levels in 1999 that they related to a widespread drought that occurred in 1999 within northeastern USA. This drought also encompassed our study area, as verified by the Palmer Drought Severity Index for southwestern PA (Figure 4) [22]. Figure 4 also illustrates that two severe drought periods occurred in southwestern PA during the period from 1999 to 2003. During this time interval, the drought likely caused soil moisture stress, resulting in closed stomata and reduced O3 uptake, which in turn could reduce O3 injury on sensitive bioindicators [21,23]. The low level of O3-injury on poplars then persisted through 2016, except for small peaks of injury in 2001 and 2012 (Table 1 and Figure 3). These small peaks may have been partially related to subtle changes in O3 concentrations in combination with subtle changes in soil moisture (Figure 3). Interestingly, the similar temporal patterns in O3 injury between our study involving poplars and that of Smith et al. involving milkweeds, suggest similar environmental factors for the two species that influenced the percentage of O3 injury [21]. Such common factors may influence O3 injury in other various plant species [21,23].
Figure 3: Top line. Mean annual 8-hr ambient ozone concentrations (ppb) downloaded from an EPA O3 monitoring site located immediately west (upwind) of the study area. Horizontal dashed line represents the ozone concentration (70 ppb) used in calculating the current USA NAAQS for O3. Bottom line. Mean incidence (%) of poplar trees exhibiting O3-induced leaf injury.
Figure 4: Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) for southwestern Pennsylvania during 1991 to 2016. The horizontal line at a PDSI value of “0.0” on the y-axis reflects normal moisture levels. Areas above the line generally represent a gradient of adequate to surplus moisture for normal plant functioning, whereas areas below the line represent a gradient of adequate moisture to water stress. A drought severity index of -3 represents severe drought that may induce stomatal closure and reduce O3 uptake by vegetation.
Table 1: Percentage of ozone-induced stipple on leaves of hybrid poplars on study during plots 1991-2016.
Regarding spatial patterns, during 1991 - 2003 and 2010 - 2013, mean O3-induced leaf symptoms on poplars appeared to be slightly greater on plots in the west-southwest (generally upwind) portion of the study area and becoming less severe with distance downwind (to the northeast) (Figure 1 and Table 1). This upwind-todownwind decreasing pattern is likely attributable, at least partially, to O3 precursors (NOx and VOCs) originating from industries in southwestern PA and the Ohio River Valley. However, during the later time period from 2014 to 2016, O3 injury was minimal and therefore spatial patterns could not be discerned (Table 1 and Figure 3). In 2016. for the first time since the study began, O3 injury was not observed on ozone-sensitive hybrid poplar.


The incidence of O3-induced stipple on hybrid poplar trees on field-study plots in southwestern PA decreased from a mean of 3.4% in 1991 to 0.00% in 2016. Mean annual 8-hr ambient O3 concentrations, downloaded from a nearby U.S. EPA monitoring site likewise decreased during the 26-year study. During 1991 to 2016, the mean annual incidence of poplars exhibiting stipple induced by ambient ozone was significantly (P = 0.001) correlated with the mean annual ozone concentration.


This work was supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and Federal Appropriations under Project PEN04564, Accession number 1002837; and by the owners of the Keystone and Conemaugh electric generating stations.
