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Journal of Plant Science and Research

Research Article

Combining Ability Analysis for Morphological and Yield Traits in Wheat (Triticum aestivum)

Mandal AB*, Madhuri G

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur 741252, W.B., India

Corresponding author: Asit Baran Mandal, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bidhan Chandra KrishiViswavidyalaya, Mohanpur 741252, W.B., India; E-mail:

Citation: Mandal AB, Madhuri G. Combining Ability Analysis for Morphological and Yield Traits in Wheat (Triticum aestivum). J Plant Sci Res. 2016;3(2): 157.

Copyright © Mandal AB, et al. 2016. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Journal of Plant Science & Research | ISSN: 2349-2805 | Volume: 3, Issue: 2

Submission: 18/07/2016; Accepted: 18/08/2016; Published: 24/08/2016


The estimation of SCA variance was higher than GCA variance for all the characters under study which indicated that non additive genetic variance was higher than additive genetic variance for these characters. Diallel mating with recurrent selection could provide the better conditions for recombination and accumulation of desirable genes and it was recommended for such type of study. The parent “HD2888” exhibited desirable significance GCA effect for 1000 grain weight and the parent “C306” exhibited desirable significance GCA effect for 50% flowering, maturity, tillers per plant, grain yield per plant and1000 grain weight. The best cross on the basis of SCA effect were DBW39 X PBW343 for tillers per plant, spike length, spikelet per spike, grain yield per plant and plant height and the cross C306 X K8027 for tillers per plant, spike length, spikelet per spike and grain yield per plant. These best parents and cross combinations could be effectively utilized in wheat breeding for the improvement of yield components and thus their incorporation in further breeding program was suggested.


Wheat is the staple food for 40% of the world’s population. It provides 21% of total food calories and 20% of the protein for morethan 4.5 billion people in 94 developing countries. In India wheatproduction of 95.8 million tons during 2013-14 clearly indicates thestrength of systematic and planed wheat research and extension inthe country. Much concentrated efforts are necessary to increase itsyield. Hence evaluation of the existing cultivars is essential since itdepicts genetic diversity of loose materials on which the promise forfurther improvement depends.

Keeping all these aspects in view, the present study attempted tofind out the nature of gene action on seed yield and yield attributesfrom 6x6 half diallel cross analysis in Indian wheat varieties.

Material and Methods

Six promising lines of bread wheat varieties viz., HD2888, C306,DBW39, PBW-343, K8027 and HD3083 were used in the present investigation. These varieties were raised in a Rabi season by handpollinations. These lines were crossed in all possible combinationsexcluding reciprocals in a diallel fashion to produce 15 F1S constitutedin experimental materials for this experiment. The experiment waslaid out in randomized block design with 3 replications. The row torow distance was 22cm and plant to plant distance within row was10 cm and two border rows were given on both sides of each block.Eight characters like days to 50% flowering, days to 50% maturity,plants height, tillers perplant, spike length, spikelet per spike, grainyield per plant and 1000-grain weight were recorded. 5 competitiveplants from each replication were used.

Method 2 model I of Griffing was used for the analysis ofcombining ability [1].


Analysis of variance for randomized block design revealed highly significant differences among the varieties and 15 crosses at 5% and 1% level for all the eight characters studied and analysis of variance for GCA and SCA were highly significant at 5% and 1% level for all the characters (Table 1). The variance components of combining ability were presented in (Table 2). The estimation of component variances showed comparatively higher values than that of GCA variances for all the characters suggesting there by the influence of non-additive gene action in the expression of these characters. The additive variance component showed higher magnitude than the dominance components for days to 50% maturity. The magnitude ofdominance variance was greater than the additive variance for restof the characters. The estimates of heritability (in narrow sense) washighest in days to 50% maturity followed by 1000-grain weight, plantheight, spikes per spike, spike length, grain yield, tillers per plant and days to 50% flowering.

Table 1: Anova for combining ability for eight different characters in wheat.

Table 2: Estimation of variance components, genetic components for eight different characters in wheat.

Estimation of general combining ability effects

The estimation of GCA effect of 6 parental lines for all thecharacters is presented in Table 3. Parent HD2888 showed significant GCA effects for plant height and 1000 grain weight and showed significant negative GCA effect for spike length and spiked perspike and grain yield whereas rest of the characters showed averagecombiners. C306 showed significant GCA effect days to 50% flowering,maturity, tillers per plant, grain yield and 1000 grain weight whereasrest of the characters showed average GCA effect.

Table 3: Estimation of GCA effects of parents for eight different characters in wheat.

DBW39 exhibited significant negative GCA effects for daysto maturity, tillers per plant, plant height and 1000-grain weightwhereas rest of the characters exhibited average combiners. PBW343exhibited significant negative GCA effects for tillers per plant andgrain yield whereas rest of the characters showed average GCA effect.Similarly K8027 performed significant GCA effects for tillers perplant, plant height, spike length, spikelet per spike and grain yieldwhereas days to maturity and 50% flowering performed significantnegative GCA effects. HD3083 exhibited significant positive GCA effects for 1000-grain weight only and significant negative GCAeffects for days to flowering, plants height and spike length whereasrest of the characters showed average GCA effects.

Estimation of SCA effect

The estimation of SCA effects on 15 crosses for different charactershas been presented in Table 4.

Table 4: Estimation of GCA effects of parents for eight different characters in wheat.

Days to 50% flowering

Cross C306 X HD3083 Showed significant positive SCA effect for days to flowering where as HD288 8XDBW39 and C306XPBB343 showed significant negative SCA effect. SCA variance was greater than GCA and non-additive component is greater than additive component indicating preponderance of non-additive gene action.

Days to 50% maturity

For days to maturity C306XHD3083 and DBW39XPBW343showed significant positive SCA effect, crosses like HD2888XDBW39,C306XDBW39 and C306XPBW343 showed significant negative SCAeffect. SCA variance was slightly greater than GCA variance. Additivegene action was greater than non-additive gene component indicatingthe preponderance of additive gene action.

Tillers perplant

Crosses like HD2888XC306, HD2888XDBW39, HD2888XK8027,HD2888XHD3083, C306XK8027, C306XHD3083, DBW39XPBW343and DBW39XK8027 exhibited positive SCA effect. The magnitudeof SCA variance is much greater than GCA variance. Non-additivegene action was greater than additive gene action indicating thepreponderance non-additive gene.

Plant height

Crosses HD2888XC306, C306XDBW39 and C306XK8027showed significant positive SCA effects whereas C306XPBW343 and DBW39X PBW 343 showed significant negative SCA effects. It wasobserved that the variance due to SCA was higher in magnitude thanGCA. Non-additive gene was also higher indicating the predominanceof non-additive gene.

Spike length

Crosses like HD2888XDBW39, C306XPBW343, C306XK8027,DBW39XPBW343, DBW39XK8027, PBW343XHD3083 andK8027XHD3083 revealed significant positive SCA effects for thischaracter whereas only one cross C306XHD3083 revealed significantnegative SCA effects. The magnitude of SCA variance was higher thanGCA variance. Non-additive gene action was greater than additivegene action expressing the preponderance of non-additive gene.

Spikelet per spike

C306XK8027, DBW39XPBW343 and DBW39XHW3083 showedsignificant positive SCA effects. Variance due to SCA was greaterthan GCA. Non-additive action was higher than additive gene actionshowing the predominance of non-additive gene.

Grain yield perplant

Crosses like HD2888XHD3083, C306XK8027, C306XHD3083,DBW39XPBW343, DBW39XK8027 and PBW343XK8027 revealedsignificant positive SCA effects whereas DBW 39XHD3083andPBW343XHD3083 revealed significant negative SCA effects. Itwas seen that the magnitude due to SCA was greater than the GCAand non-additive component was higher in magnitude indicating thepreponderance of non-additive gene.

1000-grain weight

Crosses HD2888XC306 and K8027XHD3083 showed significantSCA positive effects whereas crosses like HD2888XDBW39,HD2888XPBW343, C306XPBW343, C306XHD3083,DBW39XPBW343, DBW39XPBW343 and DBW343XHD3083showed significant negative SCA effect. The magnitude of SCAvariance was higher than GCA. The non-additive gene componentwas also higher than additive gene component indicating thepreponderance of non-additive gene.


The analysis of variance for combining ability revealed that GCA and SCA were highly significant for all the characters studied. Javed et al. reported that and SCA variances were found highly significant forall the traits [2]. The magnitude of GCA variance was lower than SCA variance for all the characters indicating the predominance of nonadditive gene action for all the characters studied. Here reciprocal recurrent selection may be suggested for population improvement.

Burangale et al. reported the ratio of GCA and SCA variancesindicated that non-additive type of gene action was predominantin the expression of traits i.e. no of tillers perplant, grain yieldperplant and 1000-grain weight [3]. Singh et al. reported that the preponderance of non-additive gene action in the controlling of days to 50% flowering, days to 50% maturity, plant height, spike length, spike lets per spike [4]. Singh and Singh supported the expression of non-additive gene action in the expression of non-additive gene action for the characters of days to 50% heading and maturity [5].

Zahid et al. revealed the expression that SCA was greater thanGCA effect for plant height, spike length and 1000-grain weight [6].

Javed et al. revealed the expression of GCA and SCA variancesfor the characters like tillers per plant, spike length and 1000-grainweight. In bread wheat early flowering, early maturity, short plantheight, high tillers per plant, longer spike length, high spike per spike, high grain yield and high 1000-grain weight ware considered to be the desirable characters [2].

HD2888 showed desirable positive significant for plant height and1000-grain weight and so this parent was a good general combinerparent C-306 showed desirable general combiners, for all charactersexcept for plant height, spike length and spikelet per spike. K8027revealed good general combiners for all the characters except for daysto 50% maturity and 1000-grain weight. HD3083 showed positivegeneral combiner only for the characters 1000-grain weight.

The finding revealed that the variety K8027 showed the highestnumber of desirable significant GCA effects for tiller per plant, plant height, spike length, spikelet per spike and grain yield. ParentHD2888 was a good general combiner for plant height and 1000-grainweight. C306 is a good general combiner for days to flowering, days tomaturity, days to flowering, tillers per plant, grain yield perplant and1000-grain weight.

So it can be concluded that breeding materials are generatedby using the parents HD2888, K8027, C306 and HD3083 would bepromising for development of new variety.

A fair number of crosses showed the desirable SCA effects foreach of the character under investigation. Out of the 15 crossessignificant SCA effect was found in most of the crosses. Therefore,the crosses can be used as the breeding materials for developing acomposite variety.

The best crosses on the basis of SCA effect were DBW39XPBW343for maturity, tillers perplant, spike length, spike lets per spikeand grain yield. The cross C306XK8027 for the tiller per plant,plant height, spike length, spikelet per spike and grain yield,DPW39XK8027 for tillers per plant, spike length, and yield per plant.The cross HD2888XDBW39 showed SCA effect for tillers per plantand spike length. The cross HD2888XC306 showed desirable SCAeffect for tillers perplant, plant height and 1000-grain weight and thecross K8027XHD3083 for spike length and 1000 grain weight, thecross PBW343XK8027 showed desirable SCA effect for grain yield.The crosses C306XK8027 had both promising general and specificcombiner. The cross was likely to throw transgressive segregates inadvanced generations.